What is injury prevention physical therapy?

Physical therapy isn’t only useful after an injury or recovery from a procedure, you can also use rehabilitation techniques to strengthen your joints and ligaments to prevent serious injuries from ever occurring.

Work conditioning or training

Physical therapists can work with you to create an exercise program to prevent work-related injuries. Work conditioning for injury prevention helps you increase your strength and endurance so you can avoid injuries.

People in occupations that require repetitive movements, such as manufacturing, construction and healthcare, may need work conditioning. The conditioning program is especially useful for preventing injuries in the musculoskeletal system.

Isokinetic training

Isokinetic training is a type of strength training using dynamometer machines to maintain a constant speed for muscle contraction while monitoring your exertion. This type of training blends the contractions of isometric, static exercises with the range of motion in isotonic exercises.

Isokinetic training is good for those who might be predisposed to injury or had a previous injury in the past and concerned about re-injury as they ease back into exercise.

Sportsmetrics™ ACL injury and performance training

Sportsmetrics™ training is a ACL injury and prevention program designed to help decrease serious knee ligament injuries, which are common in females. Jumping drills are used to teach female athletes of any sports how to position their body when landing. Our Sportsmetrics™ team will work with you or your daughter to progressively retrain safe landing habits.

Pilates training

Pilates is a form of exercise that will stabilize and strengthen your core. Pilates movements focus on technique, so it takes precision and control to do the movements correctly. 
A physical therapist may prescribe Pilates training to help improve flexibility and function if you are limited in these areas and more prone to injury. Pilates exercises promote an even musculature in the body and help strengthen the core.

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