
The board certified physicians and highly trained specialists at Mercy Health use advanced medical technology to restore quality sleep to people with sleep disorders. Patients are tested overnight with a sleep study, monitoring a wide variety of vital signs to assess for sleep disorders and determine proper treatment. The testing can determine the cause of the sleep disorder and is essential in finding a treatment. To take part in a sleep study, you’ll need a doctor’s order.

A sleep study is an overnight exam that lets doctors monitor your sleep. We’ll be able to see what’s happening in your brain and body. During a sleep study, you’ll sleep in a comfortable private bedroom with a homelike atmosphere. We’ll use special equipment to monitor your brain waves, breathing patterns, heart activity and muscle movements as you sleep. A technician will continually monitor the recordings and attend to your needs during the exam.

The sleep study is performed during your normal sleeping hours, and takes approximately 9 hours to complete. Sleep studies are completely painless and require no needles, shots or IVs. A specially trained technologist will attach electrodes to your chin and scalp, and will also monitor your heartbeat, breathing and oxygen levels throughout the night. Unless you need assistance, you will be left undisturbed until your normal wake up time.

Our accredited center can test patients of any age or any size. Special services such as oxygen delivery or bedside commodes are also available.  
Why Choose Mercy Health?
If the quality of your nighttime sleep is affecting your daytime life, we’d love to help. We can treat most sleep disorders once they’re properly diagnosed. Our team of trained professionals will work together to analyze your sleep patterns, determine the source of the problem, and develop a treatment plan specific to you.

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