Upcoming Events
Location Unknown
Set LocationSurgical Weight Loss Seminar November
Register via phone or email: Registration Email alrank@mercy.com Phone Number: 419-251-8760
Weight Management Solutions Virtual Seminar
Weight Management Solutions Virtual Seminars by location: Mercy Fairfield Information is sent via email on the date of virtual seminar.
Juniors (7-12 years old) & Adolescent (12-18 years old) Nonsurgical Weight Loss Seminar Dec 4
Attend a free, no-obligation seminar to learn more about our nonsurgical weight loss options.
Head and Neck Cancer Support Group
The "Why" Head and neck cancer can feel extremely isolating from the time of diagnosis to after the completion of treatment. Survivorship can be challenging mentally, emotionally and physically. Our goal is to foster a community where you are provided the ...
Weight Management Solutions Virtual Seminar
Weight Management Solutions Virtual Seminars by location: Mercy Anderson Information is sent via email on the date of virtual seminar.
Childbirth Education Skills Clinic and Unit Tour December
CBFlyer ** It is HIGHLY encouraged that you attend this skills clinic offered at the Springfield Regional Campus before attending the virtual sessions. That is where you will receive your class supplies ** This clinic will include hands on practice ...
Weight Management Solutions Virtual Seminar
Weight Management Solutions Virtual Seminars by location: Jewish Hospital Information is sent via email on the date of virtual seminar.
Newborn Care Virtual Sessions December
CBFlyer Newborn Care Virtual Sessions ** It is HIGHLY encouraged that you attend the skills clinic offered at the Springfield Regional Campus before attending this virtual session. That is where you will receive your class supplies ** This class ...
Childbirth Education Virtual Sessions December
CBFlyer Childbirth Education Virtual Sessions ** It is HIGHLY encouraged that you attend the skills clinic offered at the Springfield Regional Campus before attending this virtual session. That is where you will receive your class supplies ** This ...
Weight Management Solutions Virtual Seminar
Weight Management Solutions Virtual Seminars by location: Mercy West Hospital Information is sent via email on the date of virtual seminar.