
What is Lymphedema?

Lymphedema, an arm or breast swelling that may arise following breast cancer treatment, reportedly affects up to 20 percent of breast cancer survivors. It occurs when the lymphatic system in the axillary (armpit) area is damaged by surgery or radiation therapy. Medical research has shown that the condition can be diagnosed four times earlier when patients are routinely monitored and can be effectively treated when manual lymphatic drainage is performed.

Our highly trained staff monitors all cancer patients in order to minimize the chance of lymphedema swelling or – at the very least – catch the swelling early enough to successfully treat it. If treatment is needed, our experts work closely with you and your physician to develop an individualized, effective care plan for you.

Certified in Complex Decongestive Therapy

We monitor all of our cancer patients and have a team of physical therapists who are specially trained and certified in complex decongestive therapy (CDT), which helps treat lymphedema.